Tag Archives: sports

Bundesliga Professional

Not without my betting mafia – sportkomplott.de has launched the results of the Bundesliga first half of which is the Fussball – Bundesliga in their 47th season and already looming: the softening of game days threatens to cause significant confusion among football fans. The sports portal sportkomplott.de is summarized as a precaution all games of […]

Protein Is Not Equal To Protein – Benefits Of Protein In

Pronounced differences which protein or protein (latenische expression) considered to be sources of protein and its use in sport essential, vital. Protein is regarded as a building block for our muscles, connective tissue and most of our body cells, while it serves the construction and regeneration.Every day, we should have high quality protein from food […]

Goldphone Mobile

What else could so delicately highlight your good taste and originality but the stylish mobile phone? Or laser-engraved your own picture on the cigarette lighter? And, maybe, expertly printed on your laptop spring landscape, pleasing You with its sunny colors before starting work? Modern technologies have reached a development that became possible to apply paint […]

Turkish Prime Minister

Ramon Santaularia / Erdogan’s detractors and opponents of Islam fear Turkish Prime Minister can perpetuate itself in power. This Sunday’s election will be a victory (except huge surprise) of Erdogan. Today, that feared Islamism, they think that their fears were unfounded and exaggerated. The opposition fears a constitutional reform that would be based on the […]

European Championships

From the lecture to Olympia to London Cologne. Yesterday with Finally, is at the Olympic Games, which take place in London from 27 July to 12 August, certainty, Jonas Plass, master student media management & entrepreneurship at the Hochschule Fresenius in Cologne by the game. For Plass, who due to injury, missed the last Olympics, […]

Manager Monika Thiel

The last twelve months were for the active sport park Moers is very successful. On 2,500 square meters, the members can train according to the most modern sports science methods. In addition the very well trained and highly motivated team. The human-centred, completely individually devised a holistic concept for the stands with us. Now the […]