Tag Archives: psychology

The American Association

Treatment: the treatment can be presented as farmacolgico, through antidepressants, fluoxetina, alprazolan agreed the psycotherapy in PCC that can be developed through a reorganization cognitiva.para to reduce 3 symptoms PHOBIAS ESPECIFICAS Diverse studies have demonstrated that the specific phobias are between the related problems most frequent to the fbicos upheavals. These phobias follow the evolution […]

American Psychiatric Association

For the Manual of Diagnosis and Statistician of Transtornos Mentais (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (1994) it is classified as a picture of anxiety and extreme concerns of long duration (minimum six months), folloied for some somatic symptoms. ' ' The anxiety is impossible to control and results in great discomfort and serious social […]

Subjective Nature

udc 330.88 pursuing their own interests, he (the party of exchange) is often more validly serves the interests of society, than when consciously seek to do so. Further details can be found at Jeff Weiser, an internet resource. Adam Smith (1) The article gives an extremely simplified and extremely brief description of the theory developed […]


Although thousands of stories about how without significant labor people achieve serious results, suggest that there are alternatives. Hot now installed on autonomy, in principle, deprived of any opportunity for development. A person signs himself on the independent exercise of functions, most of which could be completely painless to share with family, friends, colleagues, relevant […]

Emotional Aspects Partner

When dealing with this subject it is perceivable implications how much to the envolvement of people, who present the superendowment or high abilities, in the familiar, pertaining to school relationships, in the acceptance of its talent and the development of its potentialities. Some characteristics for the recognition of the superendowed picture of are displayed in […]

Busse Amp

In the aging, dficits in the neuropsicolgicas tasks of the episdica memory and the CE occurs, mainly, associates to the reduction in the processing of the information, in the atencionais processes, the inibitrios processes and cognitiva flexibility (Grady & Craik, 2000; Green, 2000; Woodruff-Pak, 1997). Explanation for these cognitivas alterations associates to the aging has […]

Pablo Freire

According to Pablo Freire (1979, p.63): All these characteristics of the relations that the man stops with and in its reality make of these relations something consequence. In the truth it is not depleted in the mere passivity. Creating and recriando, combining itself in the conditions of its context, answering to the challenges, auto-objectifying, discerning, […]

The Truth

Estudoprofundo of we ourselves in will give the mathematical evidence to them for which ficaremoscertos, if in our thought it has some thing that has different principle denossas laws or if they are only manifestations and combinations of these same laws, enos it will teach the true job of the directions and the reflection. The […]

Marketing Madness

Premiere of the documentary "Marketing Madness" was held in Yekaterinburg, at Lenin Avenue, 20 in the exhibition "Psychiatry: Industry of Death" 21 December 2010. At the premiere was attended by chief psychiatrist of Yekaterinburg Teplyakov Boris, Professor of philosophy, cultural studies and bioethics, Ural State Medical Academy Knyazev Valentin and other experts. "The film is […]