Tag Archives: internet & multimedia


An own blog is suitable for individuals and companies. With the free software WordPress it can be created easily and quickly blogs are an important means of communication in the Internet. Individuals, for example, on a travel report and thus keep their friends, companies can introduce new products and thus to inform their customers. This […]

Power Movement Produced Game

The game “Through the Wild Web Woods” to introduce children aged from 7 to 10 years entertaining manner on the issue of security on the Internet. Hyundai may also support this cause. On the website of the Council of Europe, the game is currently available in an English version, translations in 12 other European languages […]

Website Of Data2type GmbH Now Also In French

The XML specialist data2type GmbH provides its comprehensive XML knowledge pool in French to Heidelberg, 28.06.2013 – the XML specialist data2type has translated large parts of its website into French. In addition to information about services, products and news from the world of XML, it contains also an extensive pool of knowledge about XML related […]

Physionet24.de, New Search Portal For Physical Therapy Online

Specifically the appropriate physical therapy practice as find nationwide first platform for efficient physical therapist search went online in may 2013 the portal physionet24.de. About 16,000 physical therapists in Germany can be compared here from interested parties. Founded by brothers David and Waldemar Lenz, is nationwide the company PhysioNet24 GbR with its Internet platform physionet24.de […]

Internet Marketing Seminar

Bright sunshine and not a drizzle. So, the city of Salzburg yesterday welcomed participants from throughout Austria, Germany, and the Switzerland to the Internet marketing seminar. At 9: 00, all hiking enthusiasts, which in time could secure a place, withdrew the seven mile boots and followed Michael Kapp on the walk through the vast expanses […]

Guide To Simple Comparison Of Hosting Offerings

So to shed light on the Angebotsjungel what is hosting? Hosting service (called also webhosting) generally store data (E.g. websites) or the provision of space on an external server. This service, thus providing the storage space is so-called hosting / Web hosts, usually for a fee offered. The host is responsible for ensuring that the […]