Tag Archives: health

Blood Therapy

Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov from Gelsenkirchen informed if a doctor advises his patients to a private therapy or treatment, can the sick often initially not imagine what actually is this treatment method. Own blood therapy has nothing to do with the autologous donation may be associated or dialysis. Get more background information with materials from […]


“The pathogen, the agent” is the involution of the age, immobility. And movement is an essential countermeasure (3, 4). Similarly also changes the male hormone dress “in the life course rather an epiphenomenon of biological life might, but not the cause of the aging itself. “This corresponds to the almost traditional’ assessment of the much-maligned […]


FDA requested in August 2009 (food and Drug Administration) and its own American sales organization currently is based, to market the drug for approval in the United States. * PecFent was previously called NasalFent. Please contact for more information: Archimedes PharmGermany GmbH: Armin Rath, + 49 621 12470410, change communication: TIMEA Koszeghi + 49 69 […]

“Birth Abroad”

Medical service "birth abroad" is becoming more popular among the inhabitants of the cis countries. This kind of medical services could well afford to representatives of the middle class living in the former Soviet space. Some people believe that to give birth in foreign clinics – based on medical grounds, comfortable and prestigious. In addition, […]