Tag Archives: geography

Brazilian Association

Therefore it must have alternatives that contemplate equity the reduction of the solid residues in all the sectors of the city. A city with good garbage management must have the pertinent services to the garbage collection, must possess as it has supported a planning, an organized and resources available, similar structure of that the tasks […]

Southeast Polar

To the measure that the Atlantic polar front walks for the equator the tropical instabilidades if dislocate for East or Southeast, announcing with tropical clouds and most of the time, rains, advent of the Atlantic polar front with anticipation of one day, will be able not to more reach the region. In accordance with Tubelis, […]

Crato Companies

' ' The migration of the caladistas companies for the Northeast started has little less than 20 years, after a visit of then the governor of the Cear, Ciro Gomes, to the Valley of the Bells, caladista polar region gaucho. The objective age to attract companies highly employers to the interior of the State, one […]

Raffestin Territory

The second hypothesis presented here sends the fact to it to identify if a joint action is capable to potencializar and development link, guaranteeing the exploitation of the resources and minimizing the socioambientais problems. Finally, when searching to explain the paper that State assumes while strategy for the appropriation of the resources is also to […]


We can elencar pages and pages of defects of the fernandista management. Corruption, dficits, crises, deriving loans of the FMI, loss of the autonomy of the country amongst others. But, not I consider myself to this in this article. Squid? We go to the facts? Incio Luis Lula da Silva, nordestinho of Garanhuns, half? illiterate, […]