Pablo Freire

According to Pablo Freire (1979, p.63): All these characteristics of the relations that the man stops with and in its reality make of these relations something consequence. In the truth it is not depleted in the mere passivity. Creating and recriando, combining itself in the conditions of its context, answering to the challenges, auto-objectifying, discerning, the man goes if launching in the domain that it is exclusive, of history and the culture. For atingireste domain, of history and the culture, the man makes choices will inscribe who it in a specific categorizao in virtue of the societais requirements in the civilization process. He does not have education it are of the societies human beings. (FREIRE, 1979, p.61). In this work, the education, specifically the alfabetizao of adults is an instrument that transforms pain not to know in a creation act.

Being thus, to alfabetizar it is a process that implies in auto-formation, in construction of a new identity. The way as the citizen if draws, the place and the construction movement reconstruction and desconstruo of the directions, institutes multiple subjectivity possibilities that if configure in contours of an identity. For Ciampa (1983, p.61): ' ' The identity is contradictory, multiple and changeable, however only. The identity is movement, is transformation, is development, is to be the One and the Other, so that let us arrive to be One, in a infindvel transformao' '. The identity notion is enrolled in the differentiation and the equality, therefore the knowledge of itself is given by the reciprocal knowledge of the identified individuals, through one determined social group that exists objective, with its history, its traditions, its norms and its interests. The identity is placed in different way depending it type of society. It inside has especificidades in one same way of production, on to the symbolic order. In the capitalist society, the secular character, of the identity, is restricted to the way of production at an originary moment, where the individual is something for its to make e, since that this identification exists for the position given to the being social, a Being becomes rank.