Premiere of the documentary "Marketing Madness" was held in Yekaterinburg, at Lenin Avenue, 20 in the exhibition "Psychiatry: Industry of Death" 21 December 2010. At the premiere was attended by chief psychiatrist of Yekaterinburg Teplyakov Boris, Professor of philosophy, cultural studies and bioethics, Ural State Medical Academy Knyazev Valentin and other experts. "The film is interesting. Much documentary confirmed our own conclusions … "- Chief physician, neurologist specialized clinic" PHYSIOMED "Sologub Oleg," The film is faithful, and timely.
This information should be communicated to all physicians. Against the Mafia "Pharmacies" we should fight together "- Professor of philosophy, cultural studies and bioethics, Ural State Medical Academy Knyazev Valentin," A very good educational film, tells the whole truth about what really going on in our society. I would recommend this movie to show in large rooms, designed for many visitors, and with public bodies to these problems "- Specialist in social Vladislav V. Yaroslavl work, "… The film makes you wonder at all. I would like to reflect today's leading psychiatrists and psychiatrists around the world, especially when the next review will be classifier of the world crazy. diseases! In this approach to the diagnosis psihzabolevany soon more than half of Russians will be declared a lunatic. b-m! "- Senior psychiatrist Ekaterinburg Teplyakov Boris.
Especially actually heard those words in connection with the past in Moscow recently XV Congress of Psychiatrists of Russia (November 9-12, 2010). The abundance of these days colorful stands of pharmaceutical companies in the hotel "Cosmos" indicative of an uninterrupted marketing of psychotropic drugs among physicians. This highly profitable business based on the worst work recognized in psychiatry's history: Diagnostic and static Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) American Psychiatric Association, and his twin brother – International classification of diseases (ICD-10): Section mental disorders. Here are the main theses of the film: – no psychiatric disorder is not has a scientific basis, the biological causes of these "disease" has not yet been identified – the criteria for "diagnostics" are used in psychiatry, is so vague and subjective that almost anyone with a street, you can put one or another psychiatric "diagnosis" – psychotropic drugs prescribed on the basis of pseudo-psychiatric classifications of disease, no cure, only form drug dependency, increase the risk of suicide, urge to commit acts of aggression. Three-hour tape "Marketing Madness" – a visual aid for health care professionals to help expose fraud in the field of mental health. CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS The International Civil Commission for Human Rights established the Church of Scientology and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Thomas Szasz 129 128 Stephen, Mr. St. Bazhova, 7, tel. (495) 926-15-99, 8-912-646-00-92,,, e-mail :