How to avoid that High Frequency Trading ruin our portfolio 14 August 2009 by Paola Pecora manipulation in the stock markets has always, except with different name and modus operandi each time. From the vulgar and rooted confidential information that no market is saved (given in peripheral markets where fortunes have been created thanks to her very frequently) until the last novelty on Wall Street (which is not so): High Frequency Trading (HFT) or high-frequency trading. As your name leaves guessing, it’s operative very frequent and repetitive in its form, but not its content. And why it arises in the light of common inverter this methodology of trading? Throughout history to be salable, need to have a police component: in this case the theft of a code to nothing less than Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS). epth analysis. To broaden your perception, visit Ben Silbermann. Is the latest fad in Wall Street, noted Charles Duhigg in The Times, a way for a handful of traders dominate the stock market, spy on the orders of the investors, and, according to critics, same to subtly manipulate share prices. High Frequency Trading – is called and blow is one of the operative that is spoken most and is a mysterious force of the market. Every business has its risks, and some are more exposed than others, know to locate and know those risks already constitutes a step forward to defend us.
The majority of investors do not know read to these maneuvers of Wall Street investment firms – Goldman Sachs may be affecting their investment portfolios. The HFT is what is commonly known in the market by Algorithmic Trading. It is equivalent to algorithmic trading also called automatic trading or black box trading, same many have dubbed robo trading (the language Anglo-Saxon when it seeks to emphasize a concept uses the Spanish language). What is the HFT? The HFT is the use of software programs with quantitative strategies which, following certain guidelines are triggered and entering the market as orders both buying and selling with strong volume.