Assumed that she got somewhere to 0,6 C over the past century, although there is still a clear methodology for determining This option does not exist, as there is no confidence in the adequacy of data a century ago. Rumor has it that the temperature began to rise sharply in 1976, the budding industrial human activities and the maximum speed reached in the second half of the 90's. But even here there are differences between terrestrial and satellite observations. Because of melting glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland, the water level in the world rose to 10-20 cm, probably more. Global warming really is the cause of melting glaciers. Very often confused with global warming, natural short-term processes that occur on Earth, which is not fully understood.
An excellent example is the El Nino – an ocean-atmospheric phenomenon worldwide, associated with the transfer of huge masses of warm air at the same great distances. That is what has led to numerous local natural anomalies in the winter of 2006, rather than global warming. Is that strongly impact of humans on global warming? It is most painful issue for the modern scientific community, opinions are divided, and it is difficult to say in what proportion. Therefore, the data are falsified, are in line with the hypothesis, which leans to the author, something deliberately behind the scenes, something to think out along the way, is taken from the air. Give here such information is not reasonable, at least for now. For on it is not enough for a dozen articles of this size. A simple example of two competing propositions: The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1750 to present time has increased by 31%, and this level does not reach for hundreds of thousands of years, an obvious allusion to the growth of industry, the main content of emissions which is just the CO2. The graph of growth of carbon dioxide coincides with the graph of growth temperatures. In the surface layer of the ocean carbon dioxide dissolved in 57-60 times higher than in the atmosphere, in comparison with the human impact on the last just insignificant.