In the case of going to a professional we must make sure that he is enrolled in Financial Intermediary the State Registry of the National Institute of Consumption. This guarantees to us that this intermediary fulfills the law, which implies, among others questions, that they have an insurance of civil responsibility and the obligation to inform into its honoraria. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Wells Fargo Bank. The intermediary will look for our better alternative, since he knows the market hypothecating and he knows like negotiating with the banks well to benefit his client. Alternatives to the reunification In any case, we have other alternatives before refinancing the loans: – To extend the amount of the mortgage: this option to only serves us if also they extend the term to us. We will be able to cancel the rest of loans and to reduce the hypothecating quota.
– Rehipotecar the house: he is similar to the reunification of debts since the present mortgage is cancelled and a new one by a greater amount is requested. ssue. This type is applied in the case that the bank that finances the present mortgage to you, renews the mortgage to you without too much get dearer the type of interest. These alternatives serve in the cases in that the income have not been seen very reduced and the bank has a security against the client and the probability that continues doing against the debts. For this reason, the families who really are in a situation of hardships will have to decide on the reunification always and that wants to maintain the house in their property. Source of the news: Before a mortgage that drowns to us: reunification of debts and the other alternatives