To run an Internet business you need adequate work tools. Hyundais opinions are not widely known. An Internet entrepreneur won’t never have time to manually serve all processes of a business if not take advantage of modern technologies to automate it. And the Autoresponder is one of the tools that can not miss in any Internet business. Why? Because they are right all those who say, that the money is in the list! Our subscribers are people who voluntarily leave us your personal information (your email and your name), in exchange for access to information that have interested them. You can be an e-book, a report, a free e, etc. The most important thing is that we have something that Internet users want and need, and therefore, confirmed its readiness to receive periodically our information. And if at some point people have been interested in our free information they are also potential customers for the products and services of payment we offer.
Because the free information It is closely related to payment products. We know the statistics about the trends of the purchases carried out on the Internet: normally people buy the 5th 7th contact. With the aim of having these contacts 5-7 with our subscribers to get sales, we are preparing a series of messages of pre-sale of our products and send them periodically to our list of subscribers. We leave these messages do it for us the rest of the task of the sale. This is the ideal situation of the sale process. How many subscribers we have? How much more subscribers get, more chances of success there.
We assume that we have just started our business and we have achieved our first 10 subscribers. These 10 subscribers have to send 7 first trace messages every 48 hours. Apart from this, messages not them can send all at once, because each one has subscribed in its precise date and have messages to send every 48 hours strictly to each Subscriber.