Monthly Archives: January 2014

8 Year Old Girl Defeats Cancer – Ni A Os 8 To Beat Cancer

This is a wage that we my wife Mayra and I in the history of the disease since being diagnosed Dariana far. Thank you all for joining this Army of Prayer. I have to notify them that the pathology was positive for cancer, for which some studies Dariana require additional treatment with chemotherapy. We’re not […]

1951-Current To

1951-Current To commemorate the centenary of the Charlottetown Conference, the ten provinces and the federal government contributed a national monument to the “Fathers of Confederation.” The Arts Center of the Confederacy, which opened in 1964, is a gift to the residents of Prince Edward Island and contains a public library, a renowned art gallery and […]

Applied Quantum Energy

Industrial products of Quantum Energy " Quantum Enerchi" it is the name of our products that use a nanofrecuencia that breaks long molecular chains of the liquid or structured gas (mainly the hydrogen bonds of hydrocarbons or water) forming shorter chains or clusters" , obtaining a molecular alignment more ordinate. This causes that liquids characteristics […]


When the city gradually becomes beautiful, there is another problem plaguing us, that is a huge amount of construction waste seriously hinder the pace of urban development. As environmental awareness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the simple landfill and illegal dumping of construction waste have been unable to meet the demand […]